Hey there!

Have you ever heard of Technical SEO Mistakes? It’s a fancy term for the behind-the-scenes work that helps your website show up on search engines like Google. But even if you’ve never heard of it before, chances are you’re making some common mistakes that could be hurting your site’s visibility.

One mistake is like forgetting to tie your shoes before running a race – it might seem small, but it can really slow you down in the long run.

Another mistake is like trying to cook without measuring ingredients – things might turn out okay sometimes, but other times they’ll be a total disaster.

In this article, we’ll go over three common Technical SEO Mistakes and how to avoid them so your website can compete at its best potential.

Technical SEO Mistakes 1: Improper Url Structure

Hey there! Let me tell you a little story about building a house.

Imagine if your front door led directly into the bathroom, and your bedroom was located in the basement. Sounds pretty crazy, right?

Well, that’s exactly what can happen with improper URL structure on your website. It’s like trying to navigate through a maze without any clear direction or sense of organization.

This mistake can make it difficult for search engines to crawl and index your pages properly, which means lower visibility and less traffic for you. So, let’s avoid this mess from the start by organizing URLs logically and keeping them concise and descriptive. Trust me, it’ll save you a headache in the long run!

Speaking of headaches, let’s move on to our next technical SEO mistake: ignoring website speed.

Technical SEO Mistakes 2: Ignoring Website Speed

Hey there! So, you know how important it is to have a website that’s easy for people to use and navigate. But did you know that the speed of your site can affect your search engine rankings? That’s right – if your site takes too long to load, Google might penalize you by pushing you down in the results pages. Yikes!

Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to website speed:

  • Your images should be optimized: This means making sure they’re not too big or taking up unnecessary space on your page.
  • Use caching: Caching allows certain elements of your site (like javascript files) to be saved so they don’t have to be loaded every time someone visits.
  • Minimize HTTP requests: When a user loads your page, their browser sends an HTTP request for each file needed (images, CSS stylesheets, etc.). The more requests there are, the slower your site will load.

So make sure you’re paying attention to how fast your site is loading – it could make all the difference in where you show up in those search results!

And speaking of search results…next up we’ll talk about another common technical SEO mistake – duplicate content.

Technical SEO Mistakes 3: Duplicate Content

Have you ever heard the saying ‘same old song and dance’? Well, that’s what duplicate content is like for search engines.

It’s a repetitive tune that they’ve already heard before. When there are multiple pages on your website with identical or similar content, it confuses search engines as to which one is the original source.

This can lower your rankings and hurt your chances of being seen by potential customers. To avoid this mistake, make sure each page has unique and valuable content that offers something new to visitors.

Don’t copy and paste the same text across different pages or try to create multiple versions of a page with minor changes in wording. Instead, focus on providing fresh and relevant information that will engage your audience and keep them coming back for more.

By avoiding duplicate content, you can ensure that search engines hear your unique voice loud and clear.


So, my friends, we’ve learned about some common mistakes that can hurt your website’s technical SEO.

Remember, having a good URL structure is like having a clear map to find treasure – it helps search engines and visitors know where to go.

Website speed is like racing against other websites in the digital world – if you’re slow, you’ll lose!

And duplicate content is like accidentally wearing the same outfit as someone else at school – it causes confusion for everyone.

But don’t worry, avoiding these mistakes isn’t hard!

You just need to make sure your URLs are organized and easy to follow, optimize your website’s speed by reducing file sizes and using caching tools, and always check for duplicate content before publishing anything new.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be on your way to better technical SEO in no time!

Keep exploring and learning more ways to improve your website – who knows what treasures you might find along the way?